A wise man once said that a life without purpose is a tragedy. We have identified that the devil's subtle way of bringing about disorder in the way God has purposed things to be, is to influence men to place emphasis on unimportant matters and drive the focus in the wrong direction. If the devil could successfully distract mankind from that which matters most, his agenda would be fulfilled.
Is it then any wonder today why there are many absentee/irresponsible fathers prioritizing their families as secondary while they place focus on less important matters? The dysfunctions seen in men at adulthood were shaped or influenced by either the presence or absence of the men who fathered them because fathers are the definition and demonstration of masculinity. If the foundation is faulty what can the righteous do? (Psalm 11:3)
The Author did make a remarkable statement when she wrote: "the role of birthing and making sons is physical as well as spiritual". The terms birthing and making are thought-provoking. The difference between the two is as glaring as that which exists between day and night.
Everyone is a product of a "birthing system" but the "making process" for a lot of people may sometimes be inadequate. These people at the slightest provocation get violent, could kill & destroy, all of which can be attributed to the failure of their making process.
Figuratively the knee/lap is a place of rearing and fostering, therefore every life that is devoid of a "spirit-filled knee" in its formative years will come to a dysfunction of some sort.
The book "Raising Of Sons" clamours for a change, admonishes placing values where it matters the most and like we already know change is not easy nor cheap, it will cost us a death to the old before we can experience the birth of the new, for we can never become who God wants us to be until we drop who we used to be.
So, have you become dead to sin and alive unto God, have you acknowledged Christ Jesus as Lord and Saviour, Are you born again? Indeed, that’s the good place to start, for there is no other way to be saved from the looming destruction upon this world than by Him. He is The Way, The Truth and The Life. He is the power of God unto salvation that mankind may walk pleasing God, all those who believe in Him. Without Christ, no one can raise sons after the ultimate order The Creator intended in the beginning when He made Mankind.
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