A story was once told about a lady who was going to get married and one of her aunts told her not to bother about the wedding cake. This 'kind' aunt promised her about-to-wed niece that she (the aunt) was going to finance the wedding cake. On the wedding day, this aunt brought the so-called 'wedding cake'. The cake was poorly baked and very horrible to taste!
There are 3 essential requirements for a good cake.
1. Acquisition of cake baking skills (good training)
2. The required ingredients in their right proportions-(The recipe)
3. The process of mixing and baking
1. Acquisition of cake baking skills (good training)
2. The required ingredients in their right proportions-(The recipe)
3. The process of mixing and baking
The quality of the training required is subject to the purpose for which the cake is baked. If your desire is that one day you will be a baker sought after by the White House, then you want to invest a lot of resources in training. However, if all you desire is to bake for your family, you can Google a cake recipe online and you are good to go. In the same vein, the purpose of marriage and the picture we see will determine our level of training and the investment we put into it.
It is not about putting in an effort we have learnt from experience, we must let the Chief Baker Himself (God) put us through. Just as you won't just pick up a recipe online to bake for the inaugural ceremony of Mr. President in the White House, we won't also pick up any form of pattern and run our marriage by it. It must be God's pattern, He instituted marriage and it will be best to learn from Him and His Word.
This brings us to the question of, what is the purpose of marriage?
This is the book (the written record, the history) of the generations of the offspring of Adam. When God created man, He made him in the likeness of God. 2 He created them male and female and blessed them and named them [both] Adam [Man] at the time they were created (Gen 5:1-2).
However, Genesis 2:18-24 establishes how God saw a need for wholeness in Adam and called out the woman from the inside of him.
This establishes the purpose of marriage- Wholeness. The purpose of marriage transcends beyond having children; people can have kids without being married, people can have companions without being married, people can even have sex without being married but what is it that you can't have unless you get married? Ephesians 5:22-33.
The purpose of God for marriage is to mirror the relationship between Christ and the church. Marriage is one of God's plans for saving the world. If we get it right in marriage, if our marriage mirrors that relationship that Christ has for the church; husband loving his wife as Christ loves the church and wife submitting to her husband as unto the Lord, fathers loving their children as God loves us, we will have a sane world. There will be no reason to look outside for our identity.
Kids can have a positive image of God and love just by looking at their parents. We will be so much secure in God's love that whether outsiders complement us or not, we are secure in the Father's love. In marriage, it is easy to raise godly offspring. This is another purpose of marriage.
Kenneth Hagin's son talked about how he sees his father pray in tongues almost every night. Kenneth and his wife decided they would never speak anything negative against a fellow believer. One day, a fellow brother came to their house and, while they were having a discussion, the brother was about to discuss a negative discussion about a fellow believer when Kenneth hushed him. He told the brother we are not raising our children in an atmosphere where you speak ill against the brethren. That's what marriage does, it creates an environment for raising kids according to God's plan.
Even as a grandparent, you still have a great role to play in the lives of your grandkids. When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in you, which dwelled first in your grandmother Lois, and your mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in you also. [2Timothy 1:5]. I remember Marilyn Hickey, 86 years talked about how she took it upon herself to teach her grandkids the covenant God has made with the family and she spends time with the grandkids to teach them the scriptures.
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