God brought forth the issue of a wife for Adam, one thing He did was to
The earth though created in Genesis 1, could find no expression because God's man was not yet in place. God made the male man so that the earth will run its cause properly.
This is why societies, where men are strong (in godly character and virtue), are always in order and vice versa. Check out societies where men abdicate their responsibilities to government or in the name of religion (allowing children to roam, beg and fend for themselves) they raise impostors and terrorists.
A man, therefore, needs to recognize purpose. The way God makes a man have this is to give him a VISION and a mandate in which he finds his WORK. Please note that I didn’t say a “job” but WORK. Your job is what your hands find to do to make money. Your work is what you do to make your living meaningful in God and add value. This is what brings order the earth.
Every male man has a portion of work on earth to give management and direction to the earth. The world is in this shape because only very few men rise to their place and work. If a man hasn't started working he never is on the right frame of mind. Even if he's making millions from his job, his neglected work will hunt him and affect his generation and environment.
The PURPOSE and VISION will then define his boundaries. These boundaries will determine his character. In Proverbs 31, Lemuel's mother told him not to give his strength to women or things that destroy kings. She mentioned that he must never be given to wine. This speaks of pleasures and intoxicating desires that lower the sense of judgment.
Both the first and second instructions are similar. They are 2 things that lower a man's strength.
1. Inordinate affections
2. Pleasures
So what manner of man is this? Who can marry and have a godly home?
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