
Showing posts from March, 2018

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My husband (and pastor)shared this truth with a friend. I thought it might be a blessing to us all. Dear Unhappy Spouse, The truth about marriage is that we typically become too conscious of the other person and make them our sole focus and concern. The major reasons for unhappiness in marriage is that we allow another person determine our joy and peace. We ignore God or give Him the back seat while we make our spouse (a human being) the driver of our lives. You must learn how to break this power of your spouse to control your emotions this way. Why is it that when he/she is happy and cooperating, you are happy but when he/she is otherwise, you feel bad? Is it not because he/she is now your "god" that you respond to so easily? No human being must occupy this role in your life. They cooperate or not, well behaved or not. Only God can and must fill/control your life like this. When this switch happens, no matter what a human being will just be lookin...


Click here to watch this teaching! The concept of parenting is God's technology. Train up a child in the way that he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6). There is a lot of fear going on in the heart of people when it comes to parenting. This teaching therefore aims at establishing our hearts in believing God's word as well as showing us the pattern stated in God's word concerning parenting.  This teaching therefore brings us to the knowledge of truth concerning parenting and only a known truth can set us free from the decadence or corruption of this world.    Listen to these words, believe them, do them and share them with othe rs.